Level 2 – Term 4

Week 1 – 3 ( Unit 13 )

Topic : Expository

Techniques :

  1. Recap nature of Expository
  2. The Five-Step Writing Process for Expository Essays
  3. Expository Essay Structure
  4. FIVE Steps Writing Process

Reference Articles :

  1. Just My Sister
  2. It’s in the Balance
  3. Pet mania
  4. 2017 CE election

Week 4 – 6 ( Unit 14 )

Topic : Persuasive

Techniques :

  1. Understanding Persuasive
  2. Intent, Logic and Facts, Voice
  3. Appeal
  4. Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence

Reference Articles :

  1. What You Can Do for Your Country
  2. Senators and Representatives
  3. Valentine’s Day
  4. Gentlemanly contention

Week 7 – 9 ( Unit 15 )

Topic : Descriptive

Techniques :

  1. Recap nature of Descriptive
  2. Prewriting for the Descriptive Eassy
  3. Drafting
  4. Revising
  5. Editing

Reference Articles :

  1. Lunchtime Retreat
  2. A Family Season
  3. MI6: The British Secret Intelligence Service
  4. Greedy Textbook Publishers

Week 10 – 12 ( Unit 16 )

Topic : Book Review

Techniques :

  1. More on Book Review
  2. What is the difference between a Book Report and Book Review
  3. Reading Critically
  4. Making a Evaluation

Reference Articles :

  1. Sample Book Review on The Fountainhead
  2. Sample Book Review on The House of the Spirits
  3. Vegetarian UK
  4. For Xi, a ‘China Dream’ of Military Power

Week 13 ( Test )

One Question per Question Book
Time allowed: 1 hour

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